Tuesday, May 17, 2011


What is profound? Dictionary.com describes it as such: 
      PROFOUND -- adjective
      1. penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or  
      understanding:   a profound thinker.
      2. originating in or penetrating to the depths of one's being; profound grief.
      3. being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious: profound insight.
So what determines something as profound? Does it have to be something no one has ever thought of before, or does it depend on who's hearing it? How many people have to think something is profound for it to be profound?

Maybe it's just me but I feel the need for that majority, if not all, my posts to have some profound concept within them. Especially now that I've told some of my IRL friends (that's In-Real-Life, figured I'd explain for said friends) about my blog I no longer have the sense of detachment. As silly as it sounds I figured that if my blog ever become popular enough that my IRL friends actually found out about it I wouldn't care what they thought because I'd already have a "fan base." I wasn't planning on revealing my online self to people who knew my real life self. Not that they're that different. There is a freedom that comes from writing without having to see the people who read it. 

There, was that profound? 
Do I need something profound in every post? One blogger I follow is one of those who gets paid to blog. Maybe you get paid to blog. This blogger simply posts something, anything, five times a week. It isn't always something big. In fact mostly it's pictures of her kids or complaints about anything and everything. Occasionally she has something deep to talk about but mostly it's nothing of any real importance to the world. Is it important to her? Absolutely. Is it important to people she knows? Possibly. Is it important to me? Not really, other than I like the way she writes and I find her rather funny most of the time. Lots of other people do too, considering she has close to a thousand (possibly more, her page won't show me for some reason) followers.

I guess that's what blogging boils down to. Being interesting to someone. Or a couple someone's perhaps. Well, I'm interesting enough to 12 people to follow me. I'm encouraged by that. I will try to not be intimidated by the fact that two of my pastor's wives (two different pastors, two different wives. Don't worry, I'm not one of those Christians) might read this. I will try to not be worried that one of my pastors (remember, there are more than one) may read this. I'll try to keep being honest.
I also have a strong compulsion to conclude my posts in some succinct way. Too many five-paragraph essays in high school, I suspect. Well take this five-paragraph essays!


  1. Even though I feel that I'm very honest in both real life and blog life, well, except about my name, I'm a bit protective about my blog. It is hard to murge them together. Also, I've found that real life people often don't really understand what blogging is. I'm not sure I understand what blogging is. But I'm glad you do it.

  2. Do what you do. Be who you are. Talk about it if you feel like it. You and God are the only audience that really matter. The rest of us are just lookie-lous.

  3. I'm pretty sure one of your pastor's wives won't mind your honest, real bloggy self.

    in fact, (shh), she may even have a blog herself! LOL!
